I wanted to share my life story here for whom ever was interested to learn more about me.
Everyone has a story, everyone has been thrown a curve ball in life and the way we rebalance is the key. Sometimes we can do it on our own and sometimes we need help. The help I provide in my healing technique is fast, economical and permanent ( please read the testimonials).
Let me tell you my story:
I am an Italian-Lebanese who moved to Greece as a refugee in 1976, when the Civil War broke out in Lebanon, experiencing the beginning of the war. This experience challenged me as a child on many levels: leaving my home country as a refugee, leaving a close knit extended family behind, starting anew in a foreign country with a language barrier, changing school system and being treated with pity for having been uprooted from your homeland. As a result of all this, my mother became sick and I had to take over the household and took care of my young sister who was six months old at the time. This was a difficult period of time as I could no longer be a carefree adolescent. I had responsibilities and decisions to make and duties to perform.
Backtracking to my move to Greece, and after a primary French education in Lebanon, I had to switch to Campion, a British School in Greece graduating in 1983. I went to the US and got a BA in College of Letters in 1986. Then I went to Switzerland and studied Law, Politics and Economics of the European Union MA and MPhil at University of Geneva and at the same time I received a MA in International Relations from Webster University I was eyeing a career in Brussels as a liaison between Greece and the EU. I returned to Greece in 1989 and as life has its way of redirecting you, I met my husband and decided to go into business (my own and the family one) and at the same time to complete my education with an MBA at Laverne University at night (1995).
I have an extensive history of education and learning that is not related to what I do now but I think it has helped and supported me in my approach to the problems in my life and the way I have undertaken the challenges that have arisen. I am also an eternal student with a lot of discipline and who never hesitates to add to my knowledge.
How do you know when you are on the right path in life?
When you do something that you feel your vibration is at your highest.
When I do the healing on people I feel this vibration in me and feel so lucky to have learned this technique and be able to practice it. I feel humbled and grateful.
I also love learning continuously about alternative health therapies.This is my hobby, my spare time activity and an ongoing learning process. My passion also is Homeopathy.
My favourite clients are the ones who want to share the responsibility for their health issues and we work together. It is a mutual relationship of support.